Real Touch flowers: the main advantages

Real Touch flowers: the main advantages
Real Touch flowers: the main advantages

Durability. Flowers made of Real Touch sensory latex can retain their consumer qualities with proper care from six months to two years (in some cases up to five years). 

Resistant to unfavorable environmental factors. Unlike fresh flowers, flowers made of  Real Touch latex can withstand both sub-zero temperatures and abnormal heat.

The possibility of multiple use and deformations. The same flower can be used repeatedly in different compositions, as all components of the flower can be bent, twisted, deformed, and then just as easily returned to its original state using simple techniques. 

Hypoallergenic. Many people and animals are allergic to fresh flowers. Flowers made of Real Touch sensory latex does not contain pollen, an allergy which affects about 15% of the population. Both children and animals can feel safe being around our flowers. 

Ability to see in advance the flower composition. Working with fresh flowers, florists are limited by the lifespan of the flowers. Therefore, the final version of flower walls, wedding bouquets and other things, the client can see just before the event only. In the case of working with Real Touch flowers, the client can see the composition in advance (a week, or even a month), see what he orders and make amendments if he/she wants to.

Low operational costs. In the case of fresh flowers, you have to create special conditions for their maintenance: a special room with air conditioning, daily flower treatment (pruning, water changes), the constant need of liquids for water disinfection, etc. With Real Touch flowers, these expenses are unnecessary. 

Taking care for nature. We call for the preservation of nature and the contemplation of its beauty in natural conditions. We don't want live plants to be cut for short-term joy. Real Touch flowers made of latex can fully replace live ones, creating no less delight from their beauty. 
Of course Real Touch latex flowers has its flaws and limitations in use. The main disadvantage is the relatively high initial price compared to fresh flowers (although there are exceptions: calla lilies, orchids, hydrangeas). However, it pays off with multiple and proper use of Real Touch flowers.